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      Subscribe elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae eleifend ac, enim. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus.

        Single-family residential building with garage and summer kitchen, village Smolsko

        technical design; Area:161.7 sq.m.; Floor area: 276.6 sq.m.

        Precision in the detail and a bold swing with the shape – this determines our approach to the design of the family villa in the picturesque village of Smolsko. The basis of the project is the natural connection between the home, the yard and the mountain environment.

        Guided by these factors, we designed a simple but effective facade, where glass plays an important role and transmits the maximum amount of light into the rooms. The house is situated on a southern slope at the foot of Mt. Voinyag, Ihtimanska Sredna Gora.

        All spaces in and around the building are subordinated to the inspiring view of the Srednaya Srednaya Gora and the ridge of the Balkan Mountains. The result is a dynamic that is tied to the tranquil mountain landscape.

        Client: private
        Type: Interior

        Make an enquiry
        Еднофамилна жилищна сграда в с.Смолско 1
        Еднофамилна жилищна сграда в с.Смолско 2
        Еднофамилна жилищна сграда в с.Смолско 3
        Еднофамилна жилищна сграда в с.Смолско 4