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      Subscribe elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae eleifend ac, enim. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus.

        Group of Single-Family Residential Buildings, Town of Elin Pelin

        technical design 2021, floor area 325,2 sq.m.

        Life near the big city, but at the same time away from the noise and hustle and bustle is becoming more attractive and desired by many. Balancing between the traditional house and the economically efficient home, we designed a group of 3 row residential buildings in the town of Elin Pelin. The location of the property allows convenient transport to the capital city. Looking for full utilization of the yard, we designed optimized residential units with two or three bedrooms each. The buildings combine the advantages of economically efficient housing with the ability to be closer to the ground and use a separate entrance and a private yard.

        Client: private / Year: 2021 / Type: apartment building

        Група еднофамилни сгради, Елин Пелин 1
        Група еднофамилни сгради, Елин Пелин 2
        Група еднофамилни сгради, Елин Пелин 4
        Група еднофамилни сгради, Елин Пелин 6
        Група еднофамилни сгради, Елин Пелин 7
        Група еднофамилни сгради, Елин Пелин 8
        Make an enquiry

