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      Subscribe elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae eleifend ac, enim. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus.

        Tourist Information Centre, city of Radomir

        technical design 2021, floor area: 95 sq.m.

        As a result of a thorough analysis of the existing urban context we have established the main directions and connections, which are taken into account for the location of the building and the generation of its volume.

        The information centre has a cylindrical shape, the architectural image is laconic, aiming to fit in both the park and the urban environment. Several architectural techniques were used in the process such as generalization of form, plasticity and symmetry, as well as materials aimed at fitting the building into the surrounding space.

        Client: city Radomir
        Year: 2021
        Type: Public building

        Make an enquiry
        Туристически Информационен Център, гр. Радомир 7
        Туристически Информационен Център, гр. Радомир 2
        Туристически Информационен Център, гр. Радомир 3
        Туристически Информационен Център, гр. Радомир 4
        Туристически Информационен Център, гр. Радомир 5
        Туристически Информационен Център, гр. Радомир 7