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      Subscribe elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae eleifend ac, enim. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus.

        Single Family Residential Building, S. German

        technical project 2018, realization 2022; Area:155.45 sq.m. Floor area: 345 sq.m.

        To what extent could a house be developed in a generalized, laconic, but still functional volume? This was the main question for us while developing a project for a family house in the village of German. So we decided to divide the building it by covering it with roofing sheet in the main direction, including the vertical walls. We must also note the role of the owner in achieving a good result. This cooperation, as well as the attention to the detail, can be seen in the level of performance. The synergy between designer, contractor and builder is the perfect basis for quality results.

        Client: private
        Year: 2022
        Type: Single family dwelling

        Make an enquiry
        Еднофамилна Жилищна Сграда, С. Герман 1
        Еднофамилна Жилищна Сграда, С. Герман 2
        Еднофамилна Жилищна Сграда, С. Герман 3
        Еднофамилна Жилищна Сграда, С. Герман 4
        Еднофамилна Жилищна Сграда, С. Герман 5
        Еднофамилна Жилищна Сграда, С. Герман 6
        Еднофамилна Жилищна Сграда, С. Герман 7
        Еднофамилна Жилищна Сграда, С. Герман 10
        Еднофамилна Жилищна Сграда, С. Герман 8
        Еднофамилна Жилищна Сграда, С. Герман 9