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      Subscribe elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae eleifend ac, enim. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus.

        Single-family Residential Building in Kv. Dragalevtsi, Sofia

        technical design and implementation, 2018, floor area 426,4 sq.m.

        In this project we aimed to form a facade towards the yard, creating the impression of a small forest house, as opposed to the unfolded built-up area submitted by the client. In this endeavor we were helped by the displacement of the terrain, allowing the volume of the building to the street to be significantly reduced. The large openings allow maximum light to enter the rooms and reveal the beautiful mountain landscape. The house is in the process of realization and we look forward to sharing the photos of the result.

        Client: private / Year: 2018 / Type: Single family home

        Еднофамилна Жилищна Сграда в кв. Драгалевци, София 1
        Еднофамилна Жилищна Сграда в кв. Драгалевци, София 2
        Еднофамилна Жилищна Сграда в кв. Драгалевци, София 2
        Еднофамилна Жилищна Сграда в кв. Драгалевци, София 4
        Еднофамилна Жилищна Сграда в кв. Драгалевци, София 5
        Еднофамилна Жилищна Сграда в кв. Драгалевци, София 6
        Еднофамилна Жилищна Сграда в кв. Драгалевци, София 6
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